About Us

The product was born from the indissoluble and eternal love of a family for the territory: Puglia
Enamored with the flavors of the region and faithful to the roots of its city, Altamura, the city of DOP bread and countless mills, the family began the artisanal production of fresh and dry pasta.

A complete trust in time tested traditional methods and the exclusive use of state-of-the-art technologies and the exclusive use of selected raw materials guarantees top notch quality and a true pasta flavor. What was once a small local pasta factory, thanks to courageous ideas and a serious commercial policy, has now become one of the main Apulian artisan pasta factories.

We produce pasta with artisanal methods, long drying in static cells and bronze drawing for each type of format. We use time tested methods and are always looking for innovations to create products of the highest quality. Our pasta factory works daily 30 quintals of semolina in two work shifts; despite everything we have the possibility and the capacity to triple the current productive force.

Our History

The pasta was created to enhance the history of our territory and its peculiarities. The pasta factory is located in the middle of the Bari murgia near an ancient 16th century farmhouse: Masseria Jesce. Immersed in a splendid rural and naturalistic heritage, the Masseria, located next to our pasta factory, has always had a certain importance due to its size and its strategic position, as well as near the Via Appia, an ancient Roman road that connected Rome to Brindisi .

Ancient testimonies tell that during the Roman period Masseria Jesce was a stopping point for the changing of horses and for transhumant flocks during the Angevin and Aragonese times. It is also assumed that Masseria Jesce was also a Benedictine grange in the sixteenth century, as well as a safe home for the monks. 

Anmara Motto

We, at ANMARA are driven to bring the highest quality artisanal foods to your home kitchen. We ensure a careful selection of raw material for all our pasta. The final product has been crafted using long-established and time-honoured Italian process in the historical area of Altamura-Matera, Puglia, Italy.

We follow a controlled and certified supply chain project with a strong territorial imprint that guarantees the genuineness and local origin of the ground grains. The wheat grown, harvested and ground on site, gives rise to flours and semolina that smell of the land in which they were born.

The controlled supply chain at the origin of flour and semolina offers added value to us who want to enhance local production, focusing on the purchase of raw materials belonging to the Italian and regional territory 100%. Each step of the durum wheat semolina supply chain we use is certified by CSQA, a certification body that operates internationally in the agri-food sector. The wheat chosen is 100% organic and is certified

We know exactly the history and origin of every single pasta production, guaranteeing compliance with the hygiene and quality requirements of the product. Deepening and enhancing are the bases on which to grow and develop the peculiarities of the territory in which we have chosen to believe and to live: Puglia.